by Dominykas | Apr 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Meet Marians, a student from Latvia, who is doing his CPL modular training at BAA Training. He has enrolled in the joint programme last autumn and is acquiring a Bachelor’s degree in aviation management and a commercial pilot licence at the same time. He has...
by Dominykas | Feb 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Have you ever thought about being both a pilot and instructor at the aviation training center? The First Officer and Ground School Instructor at BAA Training, Povilas, shares his experience of both jobs. Moreover, he shares some insights about the growing aviation...
by Dominykas | Feb 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
BAA Training has decided to improve the quality of the B737 Full Flight Simulator visual system. As a result, the training centre in cooperation with SimHelp has replaced old visual system projectors with three new GVC DLA VS2000 projectors. This video is a great...
by Dominykas | Jan 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
A student from Norway tells about pilot training at BAA Training and the life in Lithuania. Would you take the risk and move to another country in order to fulfill your dream? BAA Training headquarters is in Lithuania and counts more than 20 years of experience in...
by Dominykas | Dec 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
Pilots know that V1 is a fundamental stage of the take-off influencing the Go/No Go decision. A captain has to act quickly and make either a go or a no-go decision in case of of engines failures. In this video we will show how pilots abort the take-off before the V1...
by Dominykas | Dec 6, 2016 | Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos
Where does an airplane go after it has made its final landing at particular airlines? There are plenty of options for a non-operable aircraft and its parts. The luckiest ones succeed in finding a place in various museums or are even used as a piece of equipment for...